Title: The process manifesto: Improving healthcare in a complex environment
Title: Did we find the missing link in the brain? The glymphatic system as an answer to unsolved questions
Title: Pulmonary hypertention in the non-cardiac surgery patient
Title: Patient immunologic endotypes of ischemia-reperfusion injury in liver transplantation
Title: The implications of delaying operative management of CT confirmed uncomplicated appendicitis.
Title: Mesodiverticular band in meckel s diverticulum- A rare case of small bowel obstruction
Title: Simulation based procedural skill training, An update
Title: Pilonidal sinus-management options and newer modalities
Title: Role of magnetic resonance imaging in local staging of rectal carcinoma
Title: Dental care before, during and after the cancer therapy in oral cancer patients
Title: Modern technologies of diagnosis and treatment in ent surgery
Title: Testicular tumors in infants: Two cases report and review of literature